Date: Tuesday, May 16 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Location: Georgia Tech
Topic: Importance of Urban Land Conservation for Industrial and Manufacturing Uses
Nancey Green Leigh, PhD, FAICP, a member of the LAI Atlanta Chapter, spoke on the extremely relevant and important topic for our Region. Dr. Leigh recently completed a study about manufacturing and industrial preservation for DeKalb County, Georgia. The study was well-received and DeKalb County is working to implement her recommendations.
LAI Atlanta Past-President Joan Herron provided an excellent synopsis of Nancey’s presentation. Visit the LAI Atlanta Blog post, LAI Atlanta Spring Meeting – May 16, 2017, for Joan’s synopsis. Here is a downloadable version of Nancey’s impressive presentation: 05-16-17_NanceyGreenLeigh_PPT.